Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

sejarah aldaberta indonesia

PT. Aldaberta Indonesia is an independent company providing engineering and project management consulting for Oil and Gas Industry. Aldaberta Indonesia adalah perusahaan independen yang menyediakan manajemen proyek rekayasa dan konsultasi untuk Industri Minyak dan Gas Bumi. We have been specializing in both onshore and offshore projects throughout Indonesia. Kami telah mengkhususkan di darat maupun lepas pantai, baik proyek-proyek di seluruh Indonesia. Some of the Onshore projects that we have done are QRA Asamera-Duri Gas Pipeline, Assessment of Sakernan Belilas Compressor Project, FEED & Project Management Consultancy Services of Jabung Gas Booster Station Project, FEED Matindok Gas Production Facilities, and Construction Management Gundih Gas Plant. Onshore Beberapa proyek yang telah kami lakukan adalah QRA Asamera-Duri Gas Pipeline, Penilaian Proyek Kompresor Sakernan Belilas, FEED & Project Management Consultancy Services of Jabung Gas Booster Station Project, FEED Fasilitas Produksi Gas Matindok, dan Manajemen Konstruksi Gundih Gas Plant. And Some of the Offshore projects are Risk Assessment of Kuala Tungkal-Batam-Singapore Pipeline and Engineering & Project Management Consultancy Services for Rectification and Stabilization of East Java Gas Pipeline. Dan Beberapa proyek Offshore Risk Assessment Kuala Tungkal-Batam-Singapore Pipeline dan Engineering & Project Management Consultancy Layanan bagi Perbaikan dan Pemantapan Jawa Timur Gas Pipeline. We also participate in tender and give proposal to client on FEED & PMC of Onshore Gas Receiving Terminal and Floating Storage Receiving Unit (FSRU). Kami juga berpartisipasi dalam tender dan memberikan proposal untuk klien di feed & PMC Onshore Gas Penerimaan dari Terminal dan Floating Storage Menerima Unit (FSRU). The company also provides onshore and offshore pipeline services, such as intelligent pigging, scada and metering, geotechnical, geophysical, metocean and ROV survey. Perusahaan ini juga menyediakan pipa di darat maupun lepas pantai layanan, seperti melahap cerdas, SCADA dan metering, geoteknik, geofisika, survei metocean dan ROV. We value our clients above all else and we recognize the importance of tailoring our services to suit their individual needs and objectives. Kami menghargai klien kami di atas segalanya dan kita mengenali pentingnya menyesuaikan layanan kami sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan individu. We look forward to meeting new clients, improving our services to our existing clients and facing new challenges for many years to come. Kami berharap dapat bertemu klien baru, meningkatkan layanan kami kepada klien yang sudah ada dan kami menghadapi tantangan baru selama bertahun-tahun yang akan datang.

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